Our Services



Palmistry helps one in setting foot on the right path of life. It provides relevant information about important aspects of life like health, career, marriage and love, which is why it can be said that your hands hold the key to the luck and reveals information about important realms of your life. The colour, shape and lines present in one’s palm is keenly observed to navigate the results. The length of the fingers are also taken into account to retrieve crucial information about a human being’s past, present and future. In various places, the spiral imprints of the fingers are also observed within the domain of Palmistry.If you want to know What your palm lines say about your personality then contact Kashi Pandit BS Rao Ji.


Numerology, or the science of numbers, is all about numbers, and their vibrational bent aids the numerologists to predict the future of the person. Kashi Pandit BS Rao Ji presume that numbers hold the strength to influence the person’s traits as well as the events that occur in their lives. The total sum of the numbers that occur on the date of birth of an individual with the numerological correspondent of the alphabet in their name. we can also say that numbers in all forms are associated with the lives of a person in some way or the other. Also, the month when a particular event has occurred could be reduced to a specific number, and the same applies to the year and the date (if double-digit) as well. If you want to know What your Numerlogy say about your personality then contact Kashi Pandit BS Rao Ji.



is a definite document allotted to a person at the time of birth. It is based on the is a definite document allotted to a person at the time of birth. It is based on the date, time & place of birth of a person. It is not an arbitrary or random script but is a direct manifesto of our previous birth. Horoscope is fixed, and no one, including the creator of it Brahma, can change it. Then how do astrologers or astrology help us reading horoscope? Horoscope is an authentic document to reflect your past, present, and future life. It helps to identify challenges, obstructions, opportunities, and all that will come your way in the present life.  If you want to know What your Horoscope say about your personality then contact Kashi Pandit BS Rao Ji.


Vastu Shastra provides tips to bring prosperity and health into our lives by applying it properly to homes. Negative vibes from a house could invite health problems, financial loss, troubled relationships, Pitra Dosha, or black magic. Vastu experts Kashi Pandit BS Rao Ji recommend tips such as placing a horseshoe in the right direction, using crystal balls, lighting camphor, keeping an aquarium, and hanging wind chimes. It is essential to have a well-lit entrance as dark corners attract negative energies. Removing the broken items, such as mirrors and clocks, also reduces negative impacts on housemates.If you want to know vastu shastra about your property then contact Kashi Pandit BS Rao Ji.



KP Astrology is basically the study of Stellar Astrology in which we study Nakshatras or Stars and based on these parameters, predict an event in one's life.There are numerous types of Astrology defined worldwide. KP system is one of them. It is also known as "KP Astrology". It is a best technique to predict an event accurately. It is famous among astrologers due to its "Easy to Apply and Easy to Understand" concept. It is one of the most simple technique in Hindu Astrology.Hence all the planets move into a circular path in the sky. This imaginary belt is classified into 12 equal parts of 30 degree each, known as Zodiac Sign or "Rashi".If you want to know What your Zodiac Sign or "Rashi" about your personality then contact Kashi Pandit BS Rao Ji.


The Greatest Dubain country has got so many types of treasures. One of them is the ancient style of prediction telling by Naadi Astrology. Dubain ancient Saints have written these predictions in the ancient palm leaves nearly 3000 years ago. Our ancestors had collected these ancient palm leaf writings from various places of Dubain country and they had provided these services without the selfishness. It is treated as the Divine service of our country and it is provided towards the welfare of the universe.By these practice, your exact leaf will be identified within 30 minutes or sometimes in one hour duration.If you want to know What your eact leaf about your personality then contact Kashi Pandit BS Rao Ji.
